Building and maintaining a proper race car is a tall order, especially a race car that has the potential to compete for podium positions and wins. Then there is all the preparation and work to be done throughout a test day, track or race weekend for the driver. Getting to and making the most out of precious track time takes a lot of work and the Racer on Rails Arrive and Drive program is not just at the core of why we exist but it is also entirely focused on enabling drivers to focus on driving, getting better, having fun and making memories that last a lifetime.
The Racer on Rails Arrive and Drive program includes:
- Full car prep and maintenance prior to the event
- Transport to and from the track
- Option: Drivers can transport their own car to and from with their own equipment
- Assigned crew member to manage the car throughout the weekend
- Dedicated driver and data analysis lounge (heated or air conditioned as needed)
- Data, video and on-radio coaching
- Sharing of data and video across drivers
- Access to RoR vault of historical data and video of pace at all levels of the grid
- Training and preparation before each race weekend
- New for 2022 – 15% discount on RoR labor for arrive and drive customers after 5 supported 2+ day events
For most Racer on Rails arrive and drive customers, RoR becomes the custodian of the car where the car lives at RoR full time. Other Arrive and Drive customers pickup their race cars in between races and drop back off ~2 weeks prior to a planned track event.
Arrive and Drive a Racer on Rails Rental Race Car!
Don’t have a car but want to go racing or try out a top level race car? Racer on Rails has multiple race cars available for rental with the arrive and drive service built in! Check out the fleet and contact us today to get in the driver’s seat!
If you’re interested in taking your driving to the next level and having Racer on Rails do the heavy lift of car management and logistics, so you can focus on driving – contact us today!
Check out where we’ve been and will be in 2022!